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7powerful tips to overcome fear of failure:ECO

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See fear of failure is inevitable. It will come on your way because it’s a part of life. So don’t be afraid to face it. Failure at initial stage doesn’t mean that you will never overcome failure.

Sometimes fear of failure may influence your mind badly. You might feel depressed, alone, and helpless and this could harm your mind badly. 

You will never expect failure but you may inform yourself that it may come. Be prepared for that and don’t get afraid of the fear of failure. You have to face it desperately and overcome it.

Until you face failure You can’t be able to learn the hardest lesson of life. 


In this article I am going to share with you 7 most powerful tips to overcome fear of failure. Below you can find step-by-step guides for how to face and overcome failure. 

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1.Find out and accept the mistakes of your failure 

Analyze the whole step of your goal as to find out where you make mistakes and what are the mistakes. Your confession is essential. Please accept that you made mistakes and you are responsible for that. Until you own your mistakes you can’t find out where you make mistakes. So exit from your ego and find out the reasons for your mistakes. 

A person who never made a mistake has never tried anything new

Albert Einstein

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2.Prepare your mind, be positive, you can do it 

After finding mistakes your next step is to stay calm and prepare your mind to make effective strategies as to how you are going to confront the situation and take the right decision which will fetch you to the next level. You can take help from your friends, parents, well wishers, and like minded people around you. 

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow

Helen Keller.

Do Google about motivational articles, quotes, books,  and life changing stories of successful people around the world. It will help you to inspire and empower your mind. 

3.Stay calm n healthy, habit some exercise 

To fight for your stated objectives you have to be healthy not only physically but mentally also. Start physical exercise immediately if you don’t do it.

Go for walks, if possible take part in a half marathon, at least do some freehand exercises for fifteen minutes a day. Take your breakfast, lunch and dinner timely. 

This will make you fit n healthy and you will feel happy. Always remember health is wealth. When you feel happiness inside your mind you get strength to fight for your life. 

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4.Rest assured that you are not alone who failed 

This point is powerful enough to boost your mind and motivate you so that you don’t feel alone and depressed. You will be amazed knowing that even the most famous and successful men of the world faced severe failure at their initial stages and got success later. 

Steven Spielberg, who has won three Academy Awards, 4 Emmys, and 7 Daytime Emmys, was rejected by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts several times.

Until the age of 4,  Albert Einstein was not able to speak and Till the age of 7 he could not write. As a child he had a communication problem and was unable to learn in a traditional manner. 

Einstein won the nobel prize in physics and discovered the theory of relativity which later made the new definition of physics. 

Thomas edition was told as “too stupid to learn anything” by his teacher. He was fired from his first jobs. After attempting several thousands time Edition discovered light bulbs. He invented phonograph and movie camera also which is history now. 

These three are the names of a few but if you study you will see there are numerous successful people who faced severe failure at their initial stages.

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5.Analyze your mistakes and try to solve it honestly 

After finding out the mistakes of your failure it’s time to make a post-mortem of the reasons for failure. Think deeply if you are alone or with your team members if you have a team, as to why and how it happened. With your best effort try to solve your problems honestly and effectively. 

If possible, take some expert advice from your own industry. It could be that you got the right decision but there is nothing wrong with taking advice from others. It could fill your mind. 

6.If you failed in the first attempt try again 

If you fail, don’t get depressed. See failure is not as bad as you think. Failure is a chance to learn a life. It’s better to accept failure instead of avoiding it. 

If you failed in your first attempt, sit down somewhere alone and try to figure out where you made a mistake. If you are given another chance, how can you accomplish it? Plan perfectly and try again to make a solution and move forward to the next level. 

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7.If you failed for the second time take a break and jump in Again 

Again you failed. No problem. Take a break and keep yourself aside from your goal track. Stay calm, think positive. Connect with your friends, consult with them about the strategies to solve the problems. You can have an outing with your family. Go for walks, take some breathing exercises. You can consult with like minded people around your occupation. Let’s jump in Again…

Never give up, keep trying again and again with your heart n soul until you achieve your desired objectives. 

I can promise you that if you keep trying and focusing on your desired destination, ultimately you will one day overcome your failure and achieve your goal for sure. 

Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to read this article.

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